17 may 2012

ALISON & PETER SMITHSON: From the House of the Future to a House of Today

Alison and Peter Smithson - from the House of the Future to a house of today
Dirk van den Heuvel, Max Risselada
010 Publishers, 2004

Los Smithson creían que una casa era un lugar particular, que debía adecuarse a su ubicación, ser capaz de satisfacer las necesidades cotidianas y dar cabida a los patrones de uso individuales de los habitantes. En esta monografía se analiza la evolución de su enfoque, documentando sus diseños de vivienda. | The Smithsons believed a house was a particular place, which should be suited to its location, able to meet everyday requirements and accommodate its inhabitants individual patterns of use. This monograph examines the evolution of their approach, by documenting their housing designs.

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