28 dic 2015


Para ser sincero, uno estos días se encuentra por la red con rankings tan ridículos que la buena voluntad de hacer balance del año corre el riesgo de caricaturizarlo todo. Asumiendo el riesgo de colaborar con la estupidificación colectiva, y por no perder la tradición, queremos compartir un año más algunas de las lecturas que más nos han interesado en los últimos meses. Revisiones de algunas figuras internacionales o lecturas panorámicas de aspectos específicos de la historia de la arquitectura, son algunos de los temas enfocados con más éxito. | To be honest, these days you can find the net filled with rankings so ridiculous that the good intention to take stock of the year risks to caricature everything. Taking the risk of collaborating to the collective follishness, and in order not to lose the tradition, once again we share here some readings that we have found as the most interesting for the last months. Reviews on some international figures or panoramic readings of some specific aspects of the architectural history are some of the topics focused more successfully.

Hippie Modernism: The Struggle for Utopia
Andrew Blauvelt (ed.)
Walker Art Center, 2015

Hippie Modernism examines the art, architecture and design of the counterculture of the 1960s and early 1970s. The catalogue surveys the radical experiments that challenged societal norms while proposing new kinds of technological, ecological and political utopia. It includes the counter-design proposals of Victor Papanek and the anti-design polemics of Global Tools; the radical architectural visions of Archigram, Superstudio, Haus-Rucker-Co and ONYX; the installations of Ken Isaacs, Joan Hills, Mark Boyle, Hélio Oiticica and Neville D'Almeida; the experimental films of Jordan Belson, Bruce Conner and John Whitney; posters and prints by Emory Douglas, Corita Kent and Victor Moscoso; documentation of performances by the Diggers and the Cockettes; publications such as Oz and The Whole Earth Catalog; books by Marshall McLuhan and Buckminster Fuller.

Herman Hertzberger
Robert McCarter
nai010 Publishers, 2015

Quien tenga la oportunidad, que no deje de echar un vistazo a esta espectacular monografía de Herman Hertzberger, recientemente editada por nai010. Más de 500 páginas de arquitectura bien narrada que hará las delicias de los incondicionales. | I know that summer is time for easy readings and paperback books, but those who have the opportunity, do not stop to look at this spectacular monograph on Herman Hertzberger, recently published by nai010. More than 500 pages of well narrated architecture that will delight stalwarts.

An Eames Antology. Articles, Film Scripts, Interviews, Letters, Notes, and Speeches
Charles Eames, Ray Eames | Daniel Ostroff (ed.)
Yale University Press, 2015

Si ha habido en la historia una pareja de creadores capaz de responder con el mismo rigor metodológico a problemas procedentes de los más diversos medios y contextos, esta es sin duda la formada por Charles y Ray Eames. Su trabajó trascendió cualquier enfoque disciplinar, demostrando que la creatividad no  es una cualidad, sino una actitud. | If there has been in history a couple of creators able to respond with the same methodological rigor problems from the most diverse ways and contexts, this is definitely the one formed by Charles and Ray Eames. Their work transcended any disciplinary approach, demonstrating that creativity is not a quality, but an attitude.

Siza x Siza
Carlos Seoane, Juan Rodríguez
Fundación Arquia, 2015

157 fotografías realizadas en exclusiva para la publicación; 124 dibujos a mano de Àlvaro Siza, muchos de ellos inéditos; 6 obras seleccionadas de entre las más de 400 realizadas por el arquitecto, y 1 conversación con él, son los números que resumen este interesante y original volúmen. | 157 photographs taken exclusively for the publication; 124 hand drawings by Alvaro Siza, many of them unpublished; Six works selected from more than 400 by the architect, and one conversation with him, are the numbers that summarize this interesting and original volume.

La arquitectura de la vivienda colectiva. Políticas y proyectos en la ciudad contemporánea
Josep Maria Montaner
Editorial Reverté, 2015

La vivienda colectiva -y la ciudad que genera- es un tema universal que desborda las implicaciones de la arquitectura y es capaz de reflejar el espíritu de una época. El gran valor de este libro, prologado por N. John Habraken, es abordar su historia de los últimos 100 años asumiendo la complejidad social, urbana, tecnológica y ecológica que representa. | Collective housing -and the city that generates- is an universal theme that goes beyond the implications of architecture and is able to reflect the spirit of an era. The great value of this book, prefaced by N. John Habraken, is addressing its history over the last 100 years assuming the social, urban, technological and ecological complexity involved.

A Genealogy of Modern Architecture. Comparative Critical Analysis of Built Form
Kenneth Frampton
Lars Müller Publishers, 2015

Genealogy of Modern Architecture is a reference work on modern architecture by Kenneth Frampton, one of today’s leading architectural theorists. Conceived as a genealogy of twentieth century architecture from 1924 to 2000, it compiles some sixteen comparative analyses of canonical modern buildings ranging from exhibition pavilions and private houses to office buildings and various kinds of public institutions. The buildings are compared in terms of their hierarchical spatial order, circulation structure and referential details. The analyses are organized so as to show what is similar and different between two paired types, thus revealing how modern tradition has been diversely inflected.

Constant. Nueva Babilonia
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, 2015

Constant. Nueva Babilonia, reúne una amplia selección de las obras que Constant llevó a cabo en el marco de dicho proyecto, para cuya concreción y materialización recurrió a una gran diversidad de medios expresivos (maquetas arquitectónicas, dibujos, acuarelas, grabados, collages, mapas intervenidos, filmes, proyecciones de diapositivas…), así como a una intensa actividad teórica en forma de textos y conferencias, con tres representativos ejemplos en el presente catálogo. Hay además textos de Laura Stamps, Pedro G. Romero, Mark Wigley y una conversación entre Rem Koolhaas y Pascal Gielen, entre otros.

Latin America In Construction: Architecture 1955–1980
Barry Bergdoll, Carlos Eduardo Comas, Jorge Francisco Liernur, Patricio del Real (ed.)
MoMA, 2015

In 1955 The Museum of Modern Art staged Latin American Architecture since 1945, a landmark survey of modern architecture in Latin America. Published in conjunction with a new exhibition that revisits the region on the sixtieth anniversary of that important show, Latin America in Construction: Architecture 1955–1980 offers a complex overview of the positions, debates, and architectural creativity from Mexico and Cuba to the Southern Cone between 1955 and the early 1980s. This publication features a wealth of original materials that have never before been brought together to illustrate a period of self-questioning, exploration, and complex political shifts that saw the emergence of the notion of Latin America as a landscape of development.

The Other Architect. Another Way of Building Architecture
Giovanna Borasi (ed.)
Canadian Centre for Architecture | Spector Books, 2015

El reciente premio Turner, concedido al colectivo británico Assemble, ha vuelto a poner sobre la mesa el papel de la arquitectura -o la propia concepción disciplinar- en su relación más directa con la sociedad y con las metodologías de trabajo espacial menos convencionales. La exposición y el catálogo The Other Architect son una muestra impecable de la importancia histórica de esas otras arquitecturas. | The recent Turner Prize, awarded to the British collective Assemble, has once again put on the table the role of architecture -or its disciplinar conception- in connection with society and with the less conventional methodologies of spatial working. The exhibition and catalog The Other Architect is an impeccable example of the historical importance of these other architectures.

Yona Friedman. The Dilution of Architecture
Yona Friedman, Manuel Orazi. Nader Seraj (ed.)
Park Books - Editions Archizoom, 2015

Han pasado más de tres años desde que nos hiciéramos eco aquí del catálogo que el MUSAC había dedicado a Yona Friedman en 2011. Repasando la figura de este arquitecto húngaro de una manera mucho más ámplia, se publica ahora esta extraordinaria monografía, que registra su completa trayectoria profesional y teórica. | It is have been over three years that we echoed here the catalog published by MUSAC on Yona Friedman in 2011. Reviewing the figure of this Hungarian architect in a much broader way, it has been published now this extraordinay monograph, which records his complete professional and theoretical career.