28 dic 2016


Siguiendo la tradición, acabamos el año mencionando algunos de los libros publicados este año que más nos han llamado la atención. Se puede decir que ha sido un año bastante ecléptico en lo referente a la edición arquitectónica, donde podemos encontrar un poco de todo: antologías de arquitectos, estudios críticos o lecturas locales de realidades arquitectónicas no tan conocidas. Cada vez más habitualmente grandes sellos editoriales comparten protagonismo con entidades culturales que promueven catálogos o publicaciones, así como con pequeñas editoriales independientes que ofrecen un contrapunto necesario al panorama global. |  Following the tradition, we finish the year mentioning some of the books published this year that have caught our attention the most. It can be said that it has been a rather eclectic year in terms of architectural editing, where we can find a bit of everything: anthologies of architects, critical studies or local readings of architectural realities not so well known. Increasingly, large-scale publishing houses often share the leading role with cultural entities that promote catalogs or publications, as well as with small independent publishers that offer a necessary counterpoint to the global picture.

Cedric Price Works 1952–2003: A Forward-Minded Retrospective
Samantha Hardingham
Architectural Association (AA) + Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), 2016

Hace ahora dos años el periódico británico The Independent publicaba un artículo titulado "Cedric Price: el arquitecto más influyente del que nunca oyó hablar". Su influencia en el pensamiento crítico arquitectónico actual es innegable; la impresionante antología en dos volúmenes que publican conjuntamente la AA y el CCA permitirá la difusión que siempre ha merecido su trabajo. | It is now two years since the British newspaper The Independent published an article entitled "Cedric Price: The most influential architect you've never heard of". His influence in the current architectural critical thinking is undeniable; the impressive two-volume anthology published jointly by the AA and the CCA will allow the dissemination that his work always deserved.

Robert McCarter
Phaidon, 2016

The most comprehensive book on architect and designer Marcel Breuer (1902-1981), looking in detail at all the houses, furniture, and public buildings he designed In Europe and the United States–from his beginning at the Bauhaus through his collaboration with Walter Gropius, and the establishment of his own practice in the USA. Robert McCarter is a practicing architect and has been Ruth and Norman Moore Professor of Architecture at Washington University in St. Louis since 2007. He previously taught at the University of Florida, where he was Director of the School of Architecture from 1991–2001, and Columbia University, among other schools. He has written for numerous international publications

The Anatomy of the Architectural Book
André Tavares
Canadian Centre for Architecture - Lars Müller Publishers, 2016

Si algo nos gusta en Arquilecturas es encontrar autores-as y editores que comparten nuestro entusiasmo por los libros de arquitectura. Por eso es un placer dedicar unas lineas al fantástico volúmen editado por CCA y Lars Müller Publishers que contiene la investigación sumamente sugerente de André Tavares sobre la relación entre libros y arquitectura. | If there is something that we like in Arquilecturas it is to find authors and editors who share our enthusiasm for architectural books. That's why it is a pleasure to dedicate a few lines to the fantastic volume edited by CCA and Lars Müller Publishers containing the highly suggestive research by André Tavares on the relationship between books and architecture.

By the People. Designing a Better America
Cynthia Smith
Cooper Hewitt - Art Book | DAP - Gestalten, 2016

Smith conducted more than two years of field research—traveling to shrinking post-industrial cities, sprawling metro regions, struggling rural towns, along border regions, areas impacted by natural and man-made disaster and places of persistent poverty—in search of collaborative designs for more equitable, inclusive and sustainable communities. The book highlights design solutions that expand access to education, food, health care and affordable housing; increase social and economic inclusion; offer improved alternative transportation options; and provide a balanced approach to land use between the built and natural environment. By the People contains essays and interviews with featured designers and architects, in addition to highly illustrated project profiles.

Contemporary European Architecture ATLAS
Fundació Mies van der Rohe, 2016

Desde 1988, 2881 obras de arquitectura llevadas a cabo por 1728 oficinas en 1186 emplazamientos de 38 países han sido nominadas al Premio Mies van der Rohe. Ahora que la Fundación del mismo nombre celebra su 30 aniversario, todas estas cifras se visibilizan en esta publicación de gran interés (como poco) cuantitativo. | Since 1988, 2881 architectural works carried out by 1728 offices in 1186 sites in 38 countries have been nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award. Now that the Foundation of the same name celebrates its 30th anniversary, all these figures are visible in this publication of great interest (at least) quantitative.

The Battle for Home. The memoir of a Syrian Architect
Marwa Al-Sabouni
Thames & Hudson, 2016

Drawing on the author's personal experience of living and working as an architect in Syria, this book offers an eyewitness perspective on the country's bitter conflict through the lens of architecture. From Syria's tolerant past, with churches and mosques built alongside one another in Old Homs and members of different religions living harmoniously together, the book chronicles the recent breakdown of social cohesion in Syria's cities, with the lack of shared public spaces intensifying divisions within the community and corrupt officials interfering in town planning for their own gain, actions symptomatic of wider abuses of power. This compelling and original book explores the personal impact of the conflict and offers hope for how architecture can play a role in rebuilding a sense of identity within a damaged society.

UNFINISHED_ Pabellón de España, Biennale Architettura 2016
Iñaqui Carnicero, Carlos Quintáns
Ministerio de Fomento / Fundación Arquia, 2016

La arquitectura española logró un notable éxito internacional la pasada primavera al obtener el León de Oro de la Bienal de Arquitectura de Venecia con la exposición Unfinished. Los comisarios Iñaqui Carnicero y Carlos Quintáns propusieron una lectura "axonométrica" de más de 50 proyectos comparables por su capacidad para intervenir en lugares o arquitecturas existentes, o con materiales o tecnologías reinterpretadas. Pese a cierta ambigüedad de una serie de categorías propuestas como clasificación --que en ocasiones parecen tratar de incluir proyectos que de otra forma no tendrían cabida-- la selección y las reflexiones implícitas resultan muy sugerentes.

Manual of Section
Paul Lewis, Marc Tsurumaki, David J. Lewis
Princeton Architectural Press, 2016

Along with plan and elevation, section is one of the essential representational techniques of architectural design; among architects and educators, debates about a project's section are common and often intense. Until now, however, there has been no framework to describe or evaluate it. Manual of Section fills this void. Paul Lewis, Marc Tsurumaki, and David J. Lewis have developed seven categories of section, revealed in structures ranging from simple one-story buildings to complex structures featuring stacked forms, fantastical shapes, internal holes, inclines, sheared planes, nested forms, or combinations thereof. To illustrate these categories, the authors construct sixty-three intricately detailed cross-section perspective drawings of built projects based on extensive archival research. 

Noah's Ark. Essays on Architecture
Hubert Damisch
The MIT Press, 2016

Noah's Ark es una recopilación de artículos del filósofo e historiador del arte francés Hubert Damisch, seleccionada y editada por Anthony Vidler. Para aquellos que somos ajenos a la lengua francesa, esta traducción inglesa de sus escritos sobre arquitectura es una oportunidad inmejorable para conocer a este autor, a veces provocador y siempre profundo. | Noah's Ark is a compilation of articles by French philosopher and art historian Hubert Damisch, selected and edited by Anthony Vidler. For those of us who are foreign to the French language, this English translation of his writings on architecture is an unbeatable opportunity to meet this author, sometimes provocative and always profound.

African Modernism. The Architecture of Independence. Ghana, Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Zambia
Manuel Herz (ed.)
Park Books, 2016

This groundbreaking new book investigates for the first time the relationship between architecture and nation building in Ghana, Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, and Zambia. It features 103 buildings with brief descriptive texts, images, site plans and selected floor plans and sections. The vast majority of images, commissioned especially for this book, is contributed by Iwan Baan and Alexia Webster. Their photographs document the buildings in their present state. Each country is portrayed in an introductory text and a timeline of historic events. Further essays on post-colonial Africa and specific aspects and topics, also illustrated with images and documents, round out this outstanding book.